jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

The universal dialect

In these times, learning English is a very important thing, because this language has become an universal dialect. For that, many colleges in the world, like Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), located in Venezuela, have incorporated the English as a part of its pensum. Of course, English is not a subject in every career, but one like Mass Media –whose base or fundamental prop is the communication study–, needs to teach it.

Likewise, I’m a Mass Media student, and I study English III. In this subject, I learned to write in this language much better. To come here, the way has become longer than usual. But now, I can tell you that my writing is much better. However, I can have some mistakes. But the use of technology is a big help to learn English. My classroom mates and I do activities like a creation of a blog. The blog has allowed working with videos and images, and we can write better. At last, all this enriches the content that we wrote.

In conclusion, to me, use of tools is necessary in the learning process of English. Technology, for example, can be a way to reach the English knowledge and the domination of the language. Writing texts and essays, we’ll be better and soon, we’ll be part of a world connected by one voice: English, the universal dialect.

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