domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Fight Club: Darth Vader Vs. Luke Skywalker in six shots

The fifth post that I give you in my blog is an example of a movie's storyboard. In this case, is one with six shots of the video that I posted previously. On the other hand, this post is to show you better the types of shots. We have two medium shots, a two shot, a wide shot, a close up and a panorama shot. Nevertheless, if you have some doubt, please, you don't hesitate to ask me in the section of comments.

StoryMaker of Empire Strikes Back


Medium shot, at low-angle shot, of Darth Vader threatening with his red light saber to Luke Skywalker, who is in the floor, but we don’t see him; we see Vader only. The attention is in the action of the movie’s villain.

Medium shot, at high-angle shot, of Luke Skywalker. We see him in the floor, and he’s at the mercy of Darth Vader, who can kill the young Jedi Knight. The attention is in the action of the movie’s hero.

Two shot of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fighting with theirs light sabers. Darth Vader’s sword is red, and Luke’s sword is blue. In this shot, we can see evil against light. As well as, that’s a fight between a Jedi Knight and a Dark Lord.

Wide shot, in high angle because Luke is squashed by Vader, figuratively. The young Jedi flees of Darth Vader’s claws, in the space ship where they were fighting previously.

Close up of Darth Vader pressing his mechanical fist. He sees how Luke is escaping of him. And in this scene, the Dark Lord tells Luke that he is his father.

Panorama shot of the deep, which is the center of starship. We see Luke Skywalker falling and escaping of the evil Darth Vader, who revealed him that he’s his father.

The good, the bad and the father

Hi, ladys and gentlemen. I'm here to you, one more time. This time, I want to show you a video. Is important to say that I work in this blog because I'm learning English. The thing with a idiom is hear it. So the video that you will find in the post is a scene of Star Wars. Episode V: Empire Strikes Back, a famous film directed by Irvin Kershner and produced by George Lucas (He's the creator of the Star Wars universe). However, the video has a Czech dubbing. It's funny, very funny, specially if we compare the Darth Vader's voice with the James Earl Jones' original voice. As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, may the Force be with you!

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

The Lord of the Blogs III: Types of shots

Hello, dear readers. Today I'll show you a Power Point presentation that I did in English class. The presentation is about types of shots. Of course, shots that we can see in a movie or another type of video. Enjoy it!

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Star Blog. Episode II: Meet my thesis

Be welcome once again. Now it’s my turn to talk to you a little about my thesis. As a Mass Media student and film lover, I wanted to learn a little bit more about one of the most common ways of making movies: animation.

My thesis is about producing an animated short film based on a Neil Gaiman novel over Tim Burton’s directing style. In this case, I’m acquiring more knowledge about the three things that I love the most and feel most passionate about.

I grew up watching animated films, specially, Walt Disney Pictures movies. I used to like Aladdin, The Beauty and The Beast, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, etc. One that really caught my attention was The Jungle Book. That´s how I got to Neil Gaiman, who wrote a book based on that story: The Graveyard Book.

In The Graveyard Book, the main character is not a boy raised by animal son a jungle, but a boy raised by the dead on a cemetery. This idea is similar to the movies of one of my favorite directors: Tim Burton, creator of films such as Nightmare before Christmas or Corpse Bride.

My wish is to apply the same esthetic as Burton on the story that I’ll create... based on Neil Gaiman’s novel. I think it’s something that fits right to it. Working with animation is not going to be an easy task, mainly because we’re not taught on how to animate in the career. Nevertheless, it’s a risk that I’m willing to take. I will maybe get much stressed, but I know that at the end, I will be happy and satisfied.

Then, please, dear readers, wish me luck on this upcoming project. And now let the magic begins… See you next entry.

Welcome to my world

Dear readers, welcome to my blog. My name is Néstor Mollegas. This first post is for you to know me better. To begin with, you must know that I’m a Mass Media student in the UCAB (Universidad Catolica Andrés Bello). This university is located in Caracas, Venezuela. Being 22 years old, I can tell you that I do what I do and I study what I study because I’m a film lover. I love movies, specially the Star Wars saga, The Lord of The Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Christopher Nolan’s Batman, The Godfather, among others. Someday, I would like to be a successful film director just as Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino or Tim Burton… So now you can tell that I have a special taste for commercial movies; but the good one. Either way, what is more important is that this comes from a necessity of communicating and expressing myself. Little by little, while you read my blog, you’ll learn a bit more from me. See you next post.

P.S.: Ah, and starting now, the post names will be parodies of famous movies' name.