domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Fight Club: Darth Vader Vs. Luke Skywalker in six shots

The fifth post that I give you in my blog is an example of a movie's storyboard. In this case, is one with six shots of the video that I posted previously. On the other hand, this post is to show you better the types of shots. We have two medium shots, a two shot, a wide shot, a close up and a panorama shot. Nevertheless, if you have some doubt, please, you don't hesitate to ask me in the section of comments.

StoryMaker of Empire Strikes Back


Medium shot, at low-angle shot, of Darth Vader threatening with his red light saber to Luke Skywalker, who is in the floor, but we don’t see him; we see Vader only. The attention is in the action of the movie’s villain.

Medium shot, at high-angle shot, of Luke Skywalker. We see him in the floor, and he’s at the mercy of Darth Vader, who can kill the young Jedi Knight. The attention is in the action of the movie’s hero.

Two shot of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker fighting with theirs light sabers. Darth Vader’s sword is red, and Luke’s sword is blue. In this shot, we can see evil against light. As well as, that’s a fight between a Jedi Knight and a Dark Lord.

Wide shot, in high angle because Luke is squashed by Vader, figuratively. The young Jedi flees of Darth Vader’s claws, in the space ship where they were fighting previously.

Close up of Darth Vader pressing his mechanical fist. He sees how Luke is escaping of him. And in this scene, the Dark Lord tells Luke that he is his father.

Panorama shot of the deep, which is the center of starship. We see Luke Skywalker falling and escaping of the evil Darth Vader, who revealed him that he’s his father.

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